Thank goodness for companies like Adafruit Industries! One of the pain in the butt parts of project-E was going to be that I wanted to use Xbee connect all the robots together. Xbee is awesome, but it has two challenges to integrating it into common circuits. One is that the spacing of the pins is not .100 like bread boards and prototyping boards are so you are going to need some sort of pcb to make it fit and also that the Xbee chips are 3.3v and are not 5v tolerant. Well Adafruit makes this wonderful kit that does all the voltage level shifting for you so you can use a Xbee chip with a 5v circuit and with a nice breakout for breadboarding!?

Here is my completed kit. It was pretty easy to put together.?

Here is my kit with the Xbee chip in place.