Ignore the wallpaper! I have not had time to remodel this room since we bought this house (I’m too busy building dungeons). Here you can see one of the barrel vaults being put into place for the tunnel. This one leads to the kitchen.

Here is the other barrel vault piece ready to go into place. It will be the piece that extends into the dungeon.

Here you can see the lower half of the assembled tunnel. I forgot to take photos of the wall panels being finished up and the pillars being finished up but they were done exactly the same way as the first dungeon walls except that they are smaller. The wood running along the top of the wall is not yet painted… It’s going to get painted in place due to time contraints.

Here is a better shot of the tunnel walls being assembled. In the background you can see the groin vault piece sitting ready to be moved into place. It had to be positioned before the tunnel walls went up and the barrel vaults were in place because it is too large of a piece to be moved through the tunnel walls. Due to the size of the tunnel and the size contraints on the room that the tunnel goes through, assembly was almost as complex as the construction itself.