Here I am working on one of the prototype robot bases for Project E. I’m not finished yet… I still have to put the controller board on the robot base to control the servos below that drive the wheels. This robot is based on a tutorial here. This is just the R&D phase so I’m not sure if this is the robot platform I’m going to go with. I need 4 robot bases for Project E. I’m not sure if this protype is going to have a enough power.

Here is the underside of the bot. It has 2 drive wheels and one caster. I think the weight on the bot is going to require me to put two casters on each bot though. You can also see that I made my own servo mounts out of L-shaped aluminum stock. The body is made out of a sheet of HDPE plastic. I also had to take apart and modify the servos so that they would continually rotate and I don’t think I did a very good job at that. I think using better servos with more torque would be suitable for Project E, but we’ll just have to run some more test and see.