Here you can see one of the tree trunk frames. It is just simple particle board that I constructed it out of.
Here is a photo of the honey tree frame attached to the wall. I used both toggle bolts and screws going into the studs to be sure it was secure.
Here is a picture of the Pooh tree frame attached to the wall. I have the Pooh tree base sitting below it. It will also be secured to the wall and floor.
Here is another shot of the Pooh tree trunk frame and base.
It was really hard to take a picture of the stars so it is impossible to show you just how amazing they look. They literally twinkle over head( due to a mechanism in the light) and look amazingly real. Here is a picture though of the orion constellation that I placed in the night sky over where my son’s crib will be. I was able to create this by doubling the fibers for the constellations.
Here is another shot of the night sky.