Project E is a bit of a complicated project and so will require some significant R & D work. This is my electronics work area right now…. It’s absolutely in chaos, but I don’t have a lot of time so it will have to do and I clean it up as I move forward.

Here is my first little project that I put together to learn how to control a bank of LED’s with a microcontroller. I found a tutorial here on how to build this on Make’s weekend projects. It’s an animated cube of led lights. Pretty neat little project for getting started with controlling led lights with a microcontroller.
If your an At Home Imagineer and don’t know about Make magazine yet, you should seriously take a look and consider subscribing… or at least read their feed. There are some awesome project tutorials posted there.
So…. we have our first little clue to what Project E is… It is going to require controlling led lights with a microcontroller.